Today we finally have some nice weather again in Buenos Aires. I have to be out at Jess's parents place by 1pm so in the morning I relaxed and then decided to walk into the city and take the bus from the central station. As it is Sunday and the weather is nice there were lots of people out enjoying the day which is always a nice thing to see. I made it to the city and then jumped on the first bus heading out to Jess's parents place. The trip took about an hour but was quite interesting seeing all the different neighborhoods and types of people and houses that occupied them. When I was walking from the bus stop Jess's Mum saw me and pulled over as she was driving down to the subway to collect all the others. We picked Jess, Merlin and Camilla up from the station and headed back to the house. The house was an absolute mansion with four floors a lap pool downstairs, jacuzzi, sauna, 2 kitchens, 8 bathrooms and backyard - it was easily the nicest, biggest and most expensive house I have been in; in South America. The Asado was ready to go so we all went downstairs to the families entertaining room; met the rest of the family and then sat down to an extraordinary lunch. First came the chorizo and blood sausage and with it a variety of fresh salads, bean mixes, and fried vegetables - how an Asado works is the chef slowly takes meat of the parilla (BBQ grill where meat is smoked) and people take a little piece and pass on and when everyone done he will go and get more. The chorizo and morcilla were delicious and next came the beef which absolutely melted in your mouth and as Jess is vegetarian they had also cooked fish which I tried and was also very good. Most asados there is too much food but this one was perfect and we ate more salad I think. We then all headed out to the backyard and enjoyed the beautiful weather whilst dessert was being prepared. Dessert was ice cream cake, biscuits and chocolates and thankfully I was able to stop myself from overindulging. Jess brought out her new yoga toy - hanging yoga swing and we all had a go at it which was a bit of a laugh and then Jess and I started practicing our handstands and cartwheels on the lawn. A few hours later out came more sweets, tea and coffee and you could tell this lunch was going to last all day. At around 6pm we started to get ready to go but before we did, we were given a grand tour of this magnificent home and then treated to a tango performance from Sergio and Jess's mother (Sergio was a tango teacher). I walked with the others down to the bus stop and then caught the bus back to Heli's. I cooked some dinner for us and then sat up chatting all night with Heli again - working out a plan for tommorow!
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