Today is also to be a very relaxing day as its Sunday and I have nothing much I want to do here in Calafate. Lucia had to go to work at 11am so we had a late breakfast together and worked out a bit of a plan for tonight to maybe cook together and watch a movie. The good thing was that Luz- Lucia's sister has the day off so we could hang-out. In the morning I did my exercises and then we made a vegetarian lunch together and shared a few Yerba Mates together. The sun was out but unfortunately the wind was blowing very strongly. We decided to go for a walk into the city and go visit my original host here Ana. We went to Ana's Hosteria and chatted with her for a while drank some Mate and then said our goodbyes. Walking through the city we stopped in at Lucia's work and chatted with her as it was really quiet in the centre. A quick stop at the supermarket and then Luz and I walked back to the house. For dinner I made my now very typical Australian Tortilla and also Aussie rissoles. The girls made salads and a vegetable stirfry and we shared another wonderful meal and night together talking, laughing and eating good food. I got tons of ideas and things to do in Buenos Aires and am now thinking I will need a couple of weeks in the city atleast.
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