This morning I talked Heli into buying a ticket to Lollapalooza - a huge rock festival being held here in Buenos Aires for the first time. Whilst Heli went to pick up her ticket I went for a walk and to get some sun in the park. For lunch on Heli's grandmothers recommendation we cooked Morcilla (blood sausage) stuffed with Raisins and walnuts and a fresh garden salad. Just like a sausage but much fatter the morcilla was placed in the oven for 30 or 40 minutes - until crispy on the outside. The morcilla was incredibly tasty and sweet from the Raisens, it did however have a lot of gristle and bad bits from the cow that I had to remove but all in all it was delicious. The rest of the afternoon we relaxed before I had to start getting ready to go to Catas house where I will be cooking for her and her roommate tonight. At around 5:30 I took the bus out to Once - Catas neighborhood and took to the shops buying everything for tonight's tortilla. I arrived at the house and was once again met with huge smiles, hugs and the kindness of old friends. It wasn't long before the first red wine was cracked and I started preparing the tortilla. We drank, we laughed and I taught the girls how to prepare my very special dish. It took a few hours to prepare and cook and accidentally the oven was turned off so it took even longer but by the time it was cooked and rested we were all starving. I had made a nice garden salad to go with it also and the girls were very impressed. We continued eating and drinking late into the night and at 1am the girls decided they wanted ice cream; amazingly they got on the Internet and ordered some ice cream and had it delivered to the house. This is the first time I have ever hear of having ice cream home delivered at 2 in the morning; what a great country haha. At 2am I had to get going as I was a little worried about catching bus home and unfortunately while I was waiting the weather changed and there was thunder, lightening and a massive downpour of rain. I waited and waited for bus only to find when I got on that the bus was not going to Barracas where I was staying. In the end I found the right bus and was able to get back to Heli's but it had taken two hours in the pouring rain.
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