Today I had my appointment at the Brazilian Consulate to try and organise my tourist visa. I got up early but after stuffing around for too long I realized I might not have time to print all my documents. I headed to the bus stop to catch a bus that unfortunately never came so with time running out I jumped on another bus heading towards where I needed to be. I arrived close to where I needed to be and with only 5 minutes free had to run to the consulate. Luckily the woman doing visas was very nice and had printed all my documents except my plane tickets which I then had to race around and find an Internet cafe that could print for me. After returning to consulate I was given the all clear and then told to go to a bank to pay the $40 fee and return tommorow and pickup my passport/visa. I was completely amazed it all worked out without too many dramas - I was really expecting the process to be a nightmare. I then headed to the bus station which was not only difficult to find but incredibly huge and difficult to navigate - trying to find a bus ticket to Uruguay. I headed back to Heli's for lunch and then took the afternoon to relax as tonight I was out. In the evening I was meeting up with my host from El Chalten - Matilde's sister for dinner at her place with friends and then they were taking me swing dancing. At around 7pm I took the bus across the city to Cata's (Matilde's sister) house - it took just over an hour and I was able to walk a little through a new part of the city. On arrival I met Cata and Marlena both absolutely gorgeous girls and full of life. We kicked it off straight away with a very nice bottle if Malbec, they told me about life in BA and how they are both studying archaeology - a very interesting field. Both the girls spoke English very well and I was able to express myself easily, we talked about everything from food to ancient civilization. At about 10:30pm dinner was presented and it was a delicious dish of slow cooked meat - boiled in red wine and garlic (3 hours) and a delicious garden salad with avocado. We opened another bottle of wine and said cheers to a great night, the meat was so soft and mouth-watering and the salad fresh and crunchy and to say I was in food-heaven is an understatement. We continued the night with some more wine, some exotic teas and then at 12am headed down the road to the girls local swing club. This was my first time in a swing club which is basically a small venue that plays live Jazz music and couples or men and women dance swing (similar to Greece). It was incredibly entertaining to watch but unfortunately too difficult to try without atleast having a base idea of the steps. The band was incredible and the energy in the small room was electric and I remember thinking I would one day like to learn this dance and the fact there was maybe 50 girls and only 6 or 7 guys meant the guys were in high demand. At around I said goodbye to Cata and Marlena and tried to work out my way back to Heli's place. The bus I had caught here for some reason at this hour was not returning to my neighborhood and after an hour of walking around, jumping on various buses, asking people I was on the familiar avenue of Corrientes. I remember Heli telling me bus 24 goes passed her neighborhood and luckily I seen this bus and was able to catch it home. After nearly 2.5 hours after leaving the club I was back at Heli's and very thankful to be.
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