It rained and poured all night and it was incredibly hot and sticky which meant I barely sleapt at all. After getting up at 3:30am I had a very early breakfast and then was able to go back to sleep until 10:30am. Turns out Heli had not been able to finish her video editing work and so was up very early trying to get it all done. By midday the sun had finally come out so I went for a walk and grabbed some sunshine in the park. I also managed to book my ferry ticket to Uruguay for this Friday night; I got a very cheap ticket as ferry leaves Buenos Aires at 11:30pm and reaches Colonia at 2:30am and then I take a bus to Montevideo arriving at 5:30am. After some lunch and watching some more Breaking Bad I went into the city for another walk and to get a few things for dinner - tonight I will be making peanutbutter chicken. Tonight I had a Skype call with my parents for the first time in months which was really nice. I then made dinner which I ended up changing to a satay beef and vegetable stew with guacamole and tortilla. We are very late but the meal was a big success and then for dessert I made apple, peanutbutter and membrillo sandwich things so that Heli could try peanutbutter for the first time.
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