As I had got to bed at a reasonable hour lastnight I was able to get up a little earlier then usual. I did a few things on the Internet before heading for a walk to the park to enjoy the sunshine. I took some time in the park to write my blog and work-out a plan for my next lot of travels. After some lunch and a quick workout Heli came back and we decided to go visit Caminito - an art district close to Heli's place. Caminito was interesting enough but very touristic so after a quick stroll through we were done. On the way there I once again found some money on the ground - second time in about 4 days and the amazing thing was the area was very poor. After Caminito we walked around to Heli's Grandmothers house and paid her a visit - I had told Heli's grandma I would visit so I made sure to follow through. I was welcomed with a big hug and given a guided tour of the apartment complete with going through all the photos and family members. Heli's grandmother was so happy to have guests and it was great for me to practice my Spanish and share some Mate over conversation. On the walk home we brought some blod sausage stuffed with Raisens a very typical food from here and will cook tomorrow for lunch. In the evening Heli went to her brothers so I stayed in and had a quiet night as tomorrow I will be out to friends to cook dinner for them.
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