well it was another yet freaking snowy winter.. but this one was way worse than the last. I still love my job which is ace.. its good to love the job that you've taken however there are ups and downs to the job.. which is pretty well typical...
I have moved flats.. I now live kinda mostly on my own but there is someone else living there but we have hours that are pretty oposite of eachother so it all works out :) my room is way awesome now that I've made it all up.. and as of yesterday I am practically all moved in... I have bought a rug and have also commendeered the chest of drawers and it fits well in my wardrobe YAY!! so now I am pretty much all moved in.. and tonight is my celebratory "I dont want to cook dinner and I just got paid and I just got all moved in" dinner. which of course I am having at work because I get a discount for being a staff member which is always nice. however I will have to walk home to burn off some of the calories I have just ingested.. but they were good... really really good calories so thats all that matters in the long run.
Now its not that I"m completely celebrating moving to a new flat but I do feel better. My coworkers have noticed which is good but I didn't realise I was probably being such a jerk before.. though as I sometimes tell people, if you don't treat me ill-like I won't be a b****.. simple as that. grr.. anyway
YAY for strawberry cider! boo for having to pay for it! but YAY for pudding!! :) boo for yummy fatness.. but YAY for being 13 stone! :) YAY!! anyway I better get off this thing I think I've gone a bit mad...oh and boo for people not doing their jobs! but YAY for free internet! :)
alright.. thats me off..
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