the picture above.. is where I have been spending 75% of my awake life while I'm not in class... the other 25% is spent either in the kitchen or getting some air. I have had so much to do that I dont know where to start! First off, last week was the last week of my first 6 week class and my 2nd 3 week class. so it was the END of my stats class which didn't really end until I turned in my stats paper on monday. so my back is killing me because I've been sitting at my computer for probably more than 40 hours a week.. and then I've also been at the computers in the MacRobert building so I've been spending a lot of time on computers tearing my hair out over statistics. I think I need to get my eyes checked because it put a huge toll on my brain and its numerous components :)
Last friday I ended my soils class with a bang. I ended it with my presentation on Salidic Sulfaquepts. I was so pumped I was super excited I knew I did well.. I even wore my awesome tie that Hilary helped me pick out before I got here. So drum roll please...... I got my grade on Monday, I ended up with a 19! Thats almost a perfect score! and I was extremely jazzed up about that! especially since Halifass.. I mean Halifax Bank of Scotland screwed me over on the weekend.. An atm machine (clydesdale bank :( ) ate my debit card and so I told my bank and one thing led to another which led to me having to spend precious time at the bank this weekend when I should have been working on my stats report (which by the way ended up being 15 pages! :( ). I also had an order pending from ASDA so I had to change my card that I had it on :( sad day because it cost me twice as much as it should have because I had to use american funds.. AND I ended up getting up two conditioners instead of a shampoo and a conditioner.. blargle. my weekend sucked but then my monday started SO WELL!!! I also started new classes on Monday. I've got Environmental Pollution and Microbial Ecology along with Advanced Pedology.. but I will have advanced ped, for probably until I start my research project. I'm really excited about what I'm doing a presentation on in Microbial ecology. its all about Wood-inhabiting Lygninolytic Basidiomycetes in soil they are little organisms that are used in soil remediation.. I could have chosen somthing that was a little more of what I was used to but I saw that as a cop-out. I dont want to be known here for doing soil projects on something I already know about.. so that presentation is due in 3 weeks. and this entire next couple of weeks of class is just going to be nuts! my scheduling is all weird.. but I know I can handle it.. just dont expect to hear from me all the time lol
So in honor of my nucking futs weekend, Rachel and I hit the bookstore where I grabbed Blood and Granite: True Crime from Aberdeen. The Secret Scripture and the Suspicians of Mr Whicher or (aka) The Murder at Road Hill House. I went in there for a more light hearted book and I came out with 3 murder novels.. all true crime too! I am blaming my cop up-bringing and working at a police station for my choices in books. :) so far I am REALLY like ing Blood and Granite.. I have been underlining the places in the book where I have been with Rachel :) Speaking of my awesome Scottish friend Rachel, today in the kitchen we decided we're pretty much stuck together for life.. and We're going to have a road trip across the US to look at stupid things like worlds biggest frying pan and shizz like that. Super awesome :)
anyway.. I'm still crushing on a guy.. no further details on that.. for right now.. I put up a new map of Scotland on my wall.. now I have two.. an awesome one and one thats really busy.. and benny the beaver is looking at me. oh and anyone in the states.. if you find a cheap cheap copy of "A Chorus Line" could you please pick one up for me? I can buy movies over here because they are all region two :( My computer plays region one.. :(
soo.. thats all to report for now.. The Soil whisperer needs her rest from her adoring fans.. I love you all :) lol
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