OH list while we a love confess that words imperfectly express... dear lord I learned something tonight that is partially my own fault and I do find it funny at the same time of I'm thinking OH s***! actually its a different four letter word but my travel journal won't let me put that in. lol anyway.. I had the misfortune and fortune of finding out that my 3 favorite teachers at uni read my travel blog. yep.. they read my travel blog.. so Hello Hedda, Graeme and Zac! I hope you don't hold my blog ramblings against me! I found that out from Zac at the ceilidh.. WHICH BY THE WAY WAS AMAZING! I was worried at first it seemed like no one was coming and then all of the sudden everyone started showing up! it was like an algal bloom! :) anyway I had a lot of fun and got to dance with friends and I also made new friends with the blokes that came in off the street and saw that we were having a fun time.. we also convinced them (through song lol) that they should come to our show and they said they would so thats awesome. I got to sing twice tonight.. once to prove to my palies from leaf and loam/environmental science land that I can sing and the second to show the new guys what they would be missing if they didn't come to the show! oh I do have pictures from tonight but I have to upload them and I'm just too much of everything to do that right now. Oh and the stupid taxi driver took the long way to my flat.. what a jerkhead!
Things learned at the ceilidh:
- Don't mix gin and rum.. not a good thing to do
- dont wear slippery shoes..
- mingle
- usually guys will not say no if you ask them to dance.. you have to have the upper hand and be assertive.. TAHDAH!
- kickpants are always a good idea..
Anyway.. my dealings as of late.. Had a GIS class.. that was interesting.. partially because I was ill through it and partially because it was taught interestingly.. but whatever I got through the coursework and its not like I didn't know how to use GIS beforehand... Classes changed over this week which was good. AND Advanced Pedology started up again.. so this is also good!! so currently I am taking Remediation Technology which so far is same ol same ol from environmental biotech. but I know that what we do in this class is just going to build on what we already know.. which is good because I'm not sure that I completely understood Pan 33.. so I will have another look at that one.. And I am taking Biology and Ecology of Mycorrhizas which is kinda funny because the teacher reminds me of Sean Connery.. like his voice does but the pace at which he talks puts you in a slumbering mood.. but he's a good teacher and passionate about what he likes.. I just want to be like that.. not exactly putting people to sleep BUT I want to be someone who is always passionate about what I do.. Speaking about that.. I applied for a PhD in Wales..
And today for advanced pedology I had a class with the microbial ecology students and my favorite soil scientist (sarcasm, blatant sarcasm). Which was conducted by Hedda! YAY! we were actually in the lab today! and I got to stick my head inside of a -80 freezer.. which is always a pleasure. lol And we did serial dilutions of soil solutions aswell as grew P. putida on plates.. I'm hoping that tomorrow I can figure out when I have time to go and see my fungal babies on friday. I can't think extremely straight right now. (sorry mom but I am an adult and I did drink :) love you!)
So.. my Doctor Who Marathon is over with.. in just under two weeks, I have managed to watch 4 seasons of doctor who.. well really only 3 because Christopher Eccleson is not hot.. he looks like a rat. but David Tennant on the other hand... grrrowwllll... :) :) :)
I think my arm is going to be bruised tomorrow :) :) :)
I got a new coloring book! :) this one I can actually color with my crayons in!! it keeps me sane.. no wonder why so many people think I'm younger than I am.. I color in coloring books and I'm from america which evidently makes me a bit daft according to some people..
OH! speaking of hot men like a paragraph ago.. We (as in some of the enviro science girls and I) had a Pride and Prejudice night.. the BBC version (6 hours long) with Colin Firth.. Oh Mr. Darcy!! what an assb****** but he always steals my heart away.. but I only mildly love it... HAHAHAHA ok.. sorry
mmmmm chips
Oh I also won chocolate today in the raffle at the ceilidh! :) super awesome! made me happy!! :)other things made me happy too but we wont go into those things.. :) like being told i looked beautiful :) that was nice :)
things I learned I do in my sleep:
- always manage to sleep on my stuffed dog mutt mutt instead of with him
- can't wear gold to bed because it burns my skin
- I hit the wall
all of that was irrelevant to anything but oh well.. things I'm learning.. OH! and ritz crackers here are not like ritz crackers back home.. AND people here put sweet corn on their pizza. weird. ok its time for me to finish my chips and my gallon of water and go to bed. Thank you and goodnight for tomorrow I conquer the world!!
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