VERY early start this morning with the boys waking up at 645am! We tried to ignore them for as long as possible but that wasn't long enough! It all meant we got an early start on schoolwork and put in an extra hour as they were all doing so well. The boys are covering measurements in maths and Nick had them outside measuring all sorts of things - who said maths wasn't fun!!! After lunch we went into Bairnsdale and dropped the laundry off with the Italians. We also popped into Toyworld and bought some 'Loom Bands' (colourful rubber bands you can weave into jewelry) as the kids have been making bracelets with the other kids who are staying here and it's a very cheap way to occupy them for a couple of hours!! Once the chores were done we drove to Eagle Point to see the silt jetties, the second largest in the world. They extend out into Lake King for about 8kms and we drove to the end of one of them - a very pretty drive but the car was filthy by the time we got back to the main road. We parked in Paynesville and took the car ferry across to Raymond Island. The ferry is free for pedestrians and the crossing only takes 5 minutes. Raymond Island has become a haven for about 200 koalas and we found 4 within a few metres of leaving the ferry! We walked along the boardwalk lining the lake for about an hour and then got the ferry back across to Paynesville as the kids wanted to go home. We called into a car wash and gave the car its first wash since leaving home - we'd forgotten it was white!! Picked up the laundry (they are even sorting it for me now!!) and did a quick grocery shop for dinner on the way home. Nick cooked while I tidied and the kids shot off to play. It began to rain once it got dark and it's not due to stop until after Easter (!!) so everyone stayed in, showered and early bed.
- comments
Debbie Cremen We are so happy to have been able to spend some time with you guys. It was very sad for us to have to say goodbye today. Meeting you and playing with you has made our holiday the best holiday EVER..We will watch your adventures and hope to meet again one day. XLoveX Vaida and Chanel and their mum Debbie. xx
Andy Gray Hope you all have a wonderful Easter! Try and stay dry!!!!
chelle you will miss your lovely Italian laundry couple!
The Farm Hi Mulligans Don't get too much of a shock the farm is still hanging in there. Have been following your travels and thought it about time we let you know that we all think of you often and so happy to hear of all the good times your having. Can u please send that rain over here we would so love it so many of the dams r dry. Kys loving her new job, Kate's still at the vets but starting uni in July to do animal science and you guessed it the oldies r still doing the farm thing. Lots and lots of love and hugs to you all.