Day 8 Azofra. 16km 132 completed 580 to go.
Great day. Walked totally on my own greeted many as they passed. Stopped and talked to a Spanish man walking back the trail carrying s golf club about a six iron. Why? More than I can say. Snakes toads dogs. Too cool for a walking stick. He keen to know why I was in Spain and how I had heard about it and would I take good reports back to NZ.
I truth Spain is a bit of a surprise. I expected to see many older women dressed in black constantly crossing themselves and bossing their sons around. Maybe I got confused with Italy or Greece. I am sitting in a bar listening to a very serious and aggressive game of dominoes. Many spectators. Reminds me of China Jenny. Now the 3 German women have left I am the only foreigner and the only pilgrim. It is ok.
I fancy eggs for dinner so will go to the super market and perhaps buy a bottle of wine.
I am staying in an albergue (ell ber gay) municipal. They are usually the cheapest. The parochial are church run and also cheap and often want you to attend prayers or mass. The private albergues are often better set up with fewer people. However it all varies greatly. Dormitories are mixed which I don't mind however mixed showers is more interesting with shared dressing areas. Rooms of 2 3 and 4 usually separate if people are not travelling together. The bunks are comfortable and often sheets and blankets are provided however I always use my silk liner except for in Logrono with lovely fresh cotton sheets. The risk of bed bugs is real.
Today only 2 beds in room but very skinny and perhaps short. Lots of young people about.
The local men have started a very noisy game of cards. There a heaps if peanut shells on the ground.
Farming does not look that prosperous. Many 20 year old mid size and small tractors about. Also disks and other implements are smaller.
There us a big argument over the cards more shouting than I have heard arms waving. I think I will go back to a quieter place.
Back at the albergue it is quite new 60 beds no bunks. A foot pool in court yard. Tempting but I am advised it softens your feet. Also keeping my face and arms out of the sun as even with screen on a burned a couple of days ago. I am glad not to be walking as it is hot. Only 22 according to yahoo weather but what would they know. God what does 40 feel like. No wonder you picked fruit in Darwin Andy.
Ok sons of mine I need to know if you are reading the blog. Send me message I would love to know what you are up to. Or text or call I am on global roaming so should not cost.
Love you all. Am a little lonely but would not be anywhere else. R
- comments
Jenny Go for it Dolly. You have such a gang waiting to hear about your adventures when you arrive home so have fun. Love Jenx
Kate Hols....Enjoying reading your news hope you getting my messages... We in qtown where there is icing cover of snow on all the mts... The lake is oily calm... Not as hot as the plains of Spain!!!xxxx
Andrew Hey mum, you're covering some miles! I've sent you a text, but I'm not sure what the time is. When you respond to the text I'll give you a call
kiwi07 Thanks guys. Your messages always give me a lift. Kate I sure am receiving you. Andy lovely to talk this morning. Jen wish you were here we would have such a laugh. Feel good today have 23 km to cover one step at a time.
Alice Hey Mum, am pretty impressed with your resilience right now, blisters and all! That's a lot of kms you're clocking up! Ava wants to send a message to her best Nanny~ hope you are having a lovely trip and that is a good idea xxx
Hugh Your chooks are still laying. I won't tell them about you eating foreign eggs.
kiwi07 Thanks hugh I don't want to make them insecure. Alice thanks for believing I doing ok. I have a photo message for Ava I will send by gnus as I have forgotten how to add photos.
Dina Hi raewyn good to see your blog . Dina was asking today IWonder how Raewyns walking is going. Next thing you know Hugh rings her up and tells us how to get onto blog so Dina will be able to see what you are up and were you are. Have a good day will look forward to next day journey. Love Dina and Lynda and all the pets.