Got up pretty early to go to Bondi Beach with Sarah. We were going to Bondi with the other part of our Sight Seeing bus pass which was good as we didnt have to pay to get the bus and train and saved us a wee bit of money which is always good seeing how skint i now am after New Zealand! So we were trying to meet up with Sarahs pal, Amy again which seems to be proving to be one of the hardest things i've done since coming out here! So we just kind of wandered about the shops along the shore front so Whytey could have a wee nosey and then tried to meet Amy outside McDonalds. However after waiting about half an hour she didnt show so we went down onto the grass to have our lunch. Meanwhile Sarah had text Amy to say what we were wearing and lo and behold she somehow managed to find us, helped by the fact that Sarah was wearing a bright pink tshirt!
So after munching on our lunch and chatting for a while we headed onto Bondi Beach and sun bathed for a wee while. However we didnt stay for long as we planned to do the Bondi to Coogee walk so that Sarah could see some of the different beaches in Sydney in the short time she is here.
On the way home from the station we were all feeling a little bit pechish after our long walk and as we passed a Dominos Amy suggested we go in as she had had a terrible craving for pizza, so thats just what we did! However we were so hungry we ended up eating it along the road! Did decide to eat the few remaining slices on a park bench in Hyde Park, and yes before you all say it i know we are the classiest people ever!
That night me and Whytey went on a spooky ghost tour of The Rocks!! We all had to be different characters and got a thing to hang round our neck to identify us. I was a dead person so had a glow in the dark skeleton. Whytey on the other hand was a 12 year old boy and had a big chain. So as we wandered round they told us various ghost stories featureing all of our new characters. Funniest one has to be the guy who cut off his willy in the Orient Hotel when he was drunk and died of blood loss lol! I was featured where the 1st hospital had been in Sydney and I had to stand against a wall with 3 other girls and be whipped!! We were being whipped because we had stolen stuff. Must be the best whipping i've ever had as I felt nothing lol! Whytey had died after a fight and staggering up to Observatory Hill. The tour guide wanted 2 people to walk round the observatory so i offered to be one of them. Apparently some people totally cry and say they have seen things when they come back but me and the guy both said we didnt see anything! Must admit I was a bit disappointed that if felt and saw nothing! However wasnt totally wasted as we got a 2 for 1 drinks voucher for the Harbour View Hotel so went there after for a couple of drinks. Oh and I nearly forgot that we actually saw Santa pissed!! He was in the hotel and was very cheery and singing along to the guy on the piano, he even tried to chat up me and Whytey at one point! That was when we discovered that he was called Chris, as in Chris Cringle! And then his woman came in and she was wearing red as well, clearly it was Mrs Clause!! Loved it, and so excited that we now know where Santa goes after all his hard work at Christmas!!
Oh and you would all have laughed at me and Sarah on the way home! We stopped off at Customs House so Sarah cold see Sydney in the floor. Then as we were heading up the road we both started really needing the toilet, which was not good at all as nowhere was open!! However no matter how much we were bursting I refused to pay to use public toilets! Had to go into McDonalds to use their loos lol! After that we did manage to get home safely lol!
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