Went to The Barracks Museum at Hyde Park today with Laura and Jenny. Learnt all about what the barracks were used for over the years. It started out as a place for the convicts, Irish orphaned girls who were shipped over when the famine was on in Ireland and was even used to house crazy old ladies at one point! They also had to put a floor in to stop the old ladies falling down when the "ghost stairs" were! We started off our looking round really good, totally reading everything but then we got a bit bored and just looked at the stuff and pictures and stuff! We all tried on the shackles, btw how tanned do my legs look?! But when Laura tried to put them on she couldnt get her foot all the way through lol!
Afterwards we then walked through Hyde Park. There is an art thing on in Sydney at the moment with all the art being displayed outside, and they had all these photographs in Hyde Park. Some of them were really cool, especially "Bondi Blow" which was just a girl with her hair blowing around her face! We also saw the Hyde Park war memorial, but it was closed for restoration at the moment so we couldnt go in. Did get some stupid wee boys, who had been drinkin, decided to walk with us and wouldnt go away so i had to tell then to p**s off lol, got to love the scary scottish accent!
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