We have a Yank now living with us called Lydia. Its actually quite refreshing to meet an American who doesnt think the world revolves around them and will slag off America for their bad points! Hopefully she will fit in ok!
So today as a room (me, Beccy, Sarah and Lydia) went horse riding in Malabar. It was so much fun!! We went on an hours trek in the surrounding area, which was totally stunning. We didnt actually go down onto the beach but we saw it from the hills we were on. My horse was called Wildfire, Beccys was called Showzoff and was a lazy bum lol, Sarahs was Monty and Lydias was Rio. They were all totally lovely. Everyone else was on chestnut ex-race horses but mine was a dappled grey/white one cause i was special :)
It was really good cause it was just us four and the two instructors. They even taught us how to do the rising trot thing. Took a few attempts to get the rhythem right but i got there eventually and was so proud of myself! :) It was good for Sarah as well cause she had previous riding experience and could canter at certain points. I had forgotten how much fun horse riding was and am deffo (sorry i caught this word from the Scoucers) gonna take up horse riding when i come home!
That night we were meeting up with Harriett, Becky and Beckys mates for cocktails in the Sydney Tower. We even got all dressed up in fancy dresses for it! However we never actually got a drink and they were so rude! Me, Harriett and my roomies went first cause Becky and that were a bit late. We went up to the bar and were seated at a table, but as we sat down some guy really rudely said i hope ur all over 21, to which we replied yes and then said well i hope u hav id to prove it and we were all like yes! We got to appreciate the view for mayb a minute and then a guy came over to see our ids. So he looked at Sarahs internation drivers licence and then said he shouldnt accept it but to say he never asked for it if anyone asked! Then he looked at the rest of ours which were all British and one American drivers licences. Thats when he started being a total t*** and was arguing about them not being accpeted which they are because we did it on our rsa couse which he said he very much doubted!! He didnt even just say that we werent gettin served, i actually had to ask him if we werent gettin served!! He was a total arse and made us all in a bad mood! Becky and her friends tried after us and they wouldnt even let them in the bar, said it was full which it clearly wasnt, it was more or less empty when had been made to leave! So now I'm having a bit of a dilema now, i dont want to go back because the guy was so rude to us, but i kind of do want to go back for a drink and to see the bar do a full revolution of the city :S
Anyway we ended up going to Cheers in our fancy dresses and then went to ScuBar for a dance which was great cause they had total cheesy music on. Oh and u'll all be glad to know i've found a crazy dancing partner in Beccy over here!
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