So it was a sad day yesterday as Laura and Jenny moved out of our room :( Its so weird not having them in our room anymore but it did mean that i could move from the top bunk onto a bottom bunk yay! Oh my god when i was moving my stuff down to the other bunk there was a spider on my sheet! And me and Beccy couldnt do anythin with it and we couldnt get hold of any boys! Ended up gettin 2 girls who were passing in the corridor to get rid of it for us cause we were to scared!
We also did hav a leaving nite for Jenny and Laura but rather than being the nite out like we had planned, it ended up a nite in with one drink across in the AB and chips and cheese on the way home lol! Couldnt believe it when i woke up and felt rough the next day, didnt think i'd had that much to drink but turns out i had lol!
Me and Beccy only had the one nite of the room to ourselves before a couple of german girls moved in, thought they were nice but i think they might hav been talkin about me in the kitchen, not that i understand german but just a few words that u can kind of guess what they mean!
Me and Beccy had a touristy day planned for today, we were going to do a free 3hour walk around Sydney and then go to the market in Glebe, but unfortunately she ended up gettin called to go into work so we've had to leave it for another day. So i just spend the day sitting in the park reading my book which was really nice nice as its the 1st sunny day we've had in a wee while! To be honest the weather here recently has reminded me far too much of Scotland! Oh and there was a weird creepy man in the park as well! This guy was sittin a bit away from me when i arrived and i didnt even look twice at him, but i noticed as i was sitting there he was getting closer and closer! He was totally muttering stuff and singing some weird indian/pakistany song and it was so creepy! I actually had to move to the other side of the park to get away from him and luckily he didnt follow! Do think i've managed to improve my tan a bit! :)
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