Went to Bronte Beach today with Harriett. Ment to get up early so we could hav a full day sun bathing, but the nites befores consumption of alcohol ment we didnt get there til 1ish. Still we did have a good 2 hours sun bathing :) and my tan is staring to develop a bit now finally! Think i've been spending a bit to much time worrying about finding a job and not enough time just enjoying being in Oz!
Becky came and met us as well but by that time the rain had started while me and Harriett had been gettin somethin to eat. It did clear up a bit so we attempted to sit on the beach and do some puzzles but it got to cold so we went home. Did spend the night watchin Australian Idol, which is crap! Its really strange cause noone stands out as being any good, so its completely different to ours where u can always tell there are a few really good ones that might actually get somewhere!
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