Sat in the Victoria Park at the end of the road with Larua and Jenny. Becky and Hariett came and joined us as well. It was so warm and lovely just sitting in the sun chilling and chatting.
Me and Becky went to see The Rhythm of Ireland tonight at the Lyric Theatre in Star City Casino! And it was free! We had really great seats, about 6 rows from the front. There was Irish dancing, a girl singing and a guy playing a varitey of instruments. The dancers were totally amazing and I just wonder how on earth their legs move the way they do, its totally incredible! The girl that was singing just had one of those wee classic Irish lassys voices that you would know was Irish! And the guy with the instruments had irish bagpipes first (but he was playing then with a pump under the arm not blowing into it, is that normal or was he cheating?!), then he had the fiddle, guitar and the traditional drum thing that i dont know the name of!
There was also a lovely wee irish woman sitting next to us who was a tad drunk but absolutly hilarious! She went out to the toilet half way thru the 1st half and didnt come back til the interval! Then when she came back after the interval she had the remaints of a glass of beer! She also sang along to a lot of the songs and made wee comments and kept shouting how great they were!
We also ended up going for drinks with the cast afterwards cause Becky knew 2 of the girls who were dancing, that was how we got the tickets in the first place! There were all totally lovely especially the 2 girls who ended up paying for all our drinks! Eventually decided to go home when they were moving on to somewhere more in town and Becky made me just about run all the way home cause she needed a wee! Ended up giggling away when we got back in the room, no idea how we didnt wake up the other 2 girls, but then my mother foned and at this point it was 1.30am! However she only did it so I could get some money :)
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