Moved to my next place to live and hopefully this will be me for the rest of my time in Sydney. The new place is a bit more like a guest house. I'm sharing a room with 3 girls from Liverpool, Becky, Laura and Jenny. There are two bunkbeds in the room, an ensuite, a wee sink and kettle, oh and there is wardrobes and drwas so i can stop having to literally live out of my rucksack yay! Oh and its in Glebe, which seems to be a nice area when i was walking about today.
I had quite a while to waste cause i got to this new place before 11 and i couldnt get into the room til 2! Signed all the contacts, etc and then went for a wander. Walked to the end of the road (which is very long) and found the sea, so i walked along towards the centre, handing out cvs on my way. I ended up at Millers Point which had a lovely view of Goat Island, Sydney Harbours National Park. Also wandered down to The Rocks and took some photos of the bridge from different angles.
Went to The Gaff at night for dinner with Harriett and Becky, cause I was just missing them so much already :) Its really good, i paid $6 for a schooner of cider and had a free curry! I'd actually asked for a baked potato and chillie, but got beef curry instead, looked a bit like mums curry and it tasted quite nice! Stayed there all night and met my new room mates there and a couple of other guys from the guesthouse. Had a good wee dance and then came home.
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