Ok so thats me arrived safe and sound in Sydney after 3 plane journeys. Cant really remember life before travelling lol! Not really done much yet cause i am really tired from the flight, so when i got here i just had a shower (which really wasnt very good, its either so hot u cant stand under it or really cold and its like a trickle, which wasnt great when all i wanted when i got in was a nice hot shower to soak away my woes) and then ended up goin to sleep cause as u can imagine i didnt get a very good sleep on the plane. Anyway I did go for a walk into the centre, which is only 15mins away. Didnt really see much tho cause it was gettin dark.
The flights here werent to bad. From glasgow to dubai i watched a couple of films and the time went in quite quick, but i was sitting next to a chinese guy who didnt speak english so i didnt hav anyone to talk to! was in the hotel over night (well for 3hours at most probably) in dubai, was nice to lie on a bed and hav a nice shower. then we flew from dubai to bankok, which i think was about 6hours. i met a scottish girl who had stayed in the same hotel and we happened to b sittin next to each other on the plane so it was nice to hav someone to chat to and she seemed really nice. She is here for 4 weeks to visit a friend so we swapped numbers and might meet up at some point. We had about an hour off the plane in bankok and then flew to sydney which was about 8 hours. we had four seets between the 2 of us tho so it ment we could stretch out and get a bit more sleep. was really scary when we landed in sydney and went our seperate ways, felt really alone again :(
couldnt quite believe how hard it is to walk and carry that rucksack at the same time, but am sure my muscles will bulk up in time! :) got to the hostel fine. its not the best i've ever seen but it'll do for the time being. i'm in a room with a german girl, 2 german guys and a swedish guy. the swedish guy seems really friendly and was giving me some advice which was really nice.
Lots of love n kisses
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