We are currently recovering from another long weekend of entertaining as Julie McGooly has just returned to Sydney after coming to visit.
We had planned for a quiet Friday night with a couple of local drinks so we stayed in South Bank and headed for The Point restaurant and bar where we took a seat outside while perusing the drinks list. We had only been there a few minutes when we heard an almighty clap of thunder and suddenly the heavens opened and the rain began pouring down. While the staff ran around trying to do up the plastic rain barriers around the edge of the bar, we sat there laughing hysterically as the wind blew the rain in on everyone through the small gap at the top of the plastic.
However, once the cocktails were spotted on the drinks list things were looking up and with a lamp heater above us keeping us warm we began to make our way through the concoctions.
After a couple of hours we pulled ourselves away from the sofas and headed onto The Plough, where we found ourselves sitting next to the original eighties Donkey Kong arcade game. Suffice to say, this was greeted with much excitement and we spent another hour or so trying to get Mario up the damn ladders!!!
When we eventually got chucked out of the pub we grabbed a crate of Pure Blonde and headed back to our apartment to continue the revelry. Armed with cold beer and our new found gaming confidence we decided that the best, nay the only, way to finish the evening was with several hours of Mario Kart before we retired to our beds in the early hours.
Saturday was pretty much written off as we lazed around feeling sorry for ourselves. We did venture out briefly to the pool, but even just sitting in the Jacuzzi proved to be a step too far and we soon returned back inside where we had air conditioning and somewhere to lie down.
Sunday was far more relaxing as we spent the day wondering around town showing Julie some of the sights and visiting some of our favoured café's before she had to head back this afternoon.
The Christmas festivities are in full flow in South Bank and we plan to enjoy a couple of peaceful weeks in the summer heat!!
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