5:30 start, had breakfast and out on the horses by 7. We went to the rapids - I guess they are rapids in the wet, but for now there was no flowing water. Three hour ride, had a few canters along the way. Nice ride but clearly getting warm by the time we got back.
Helped Alida put a couple of round bales of hay in the stock yards as a road train is bringing in the muster cattle today, just as we were finishing doing that, some of the muster camp arrived. Road train wouldn't be too far away.
They had to cut the fence for the road train to drive right around the yards and then side load the cattle off. All the trailers have ramps in between making it one great big tray, and it's double storied. Was interesting watching them unload, and great to see some of the efforts of catching them, processing them etc arriving back to the station looking well. They left behind the cow that was spared a bullet, she wasn't steady enough to travel, also one cow calved while in the yards so she stayed behind as well.
I'm now rooming with Alex who has a scrape down the side of his head, a bull jumped out of the portable yards, as Alex ran for safety his head hit the truck. He then showed me a video of the same bull picking on a cow in the yards. Had a very big set of horns on him. Clearly hasn't been processed yet or those horns would have been removed.
Looks like there is no afternoon ride - I'd have to say I'm reasonably thankful for that. I seem to be on countdown, think I'm looking forward to the next adventure. Although it does sound like there is still a small amount of cattle work before I go. Still have to work the cattle around the yards with the horses and there are three or four bulls out in the north paddock that will have to come in. I assume the cows with calves will also need to head out to the north paddock as well.
Been a relaxing afternoon, set Netty up with AliExpress and helped get a room ready for guests.
Clean shaven and felling better than yesterday. Must have caught up on some sleep in the last couple of afternoon siestas.
Sounds like we need to bring in 3 Mickey bulls from the north paddock tomorrow. Unsure if I will go out on Pluto or Tomboy. Will see who needs what tomorrow. Brom will be on China Girl no doubt. We have a few guests around, unsure how many will come out with us. Gotta be able to get out of the way if needed, they are quieter than what they were but still not trustworthy.
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