Back in a bed last night. Started off crazy warm so turned on the ceiling fan... one of life's luxury's. Turned it off around midnight. Slept respectably well.
We were taking guests out on a ride this morning. So Alida and I were in charge and I set off on Tomboy. He had played up the last two rides, however he was no dramas at all. We went out into the north paddock and checked on the trough and dam. Found some horses on the way home, Alida wanted to bring two back and I had packed a halter - although Alida couldn't catch one! There was also a chestnut that seemed to be lying down quite a bit. So the decision was made to bring them all in. As a ride we mustered horses which I think was quite a highlight. On the way in it was glaringly obvious that the chestnut was not well as he got down several times and tried to roll. He seemed happiest when he was upside down. We got them all back to the station, and I threw Tomboy in a yard and went and caught the chestnut - Jasper. Caught him while he was lying down. Alida gave him some bute and some Berg Oil which helps with colic. Two hours of walking him and he was getting worse. His stomach had become distended and he was clearly in pain. There is an equine vet nurse here which was quite good. Checked all obs and although we can't be definitive we are pretty sure colic is the cause. With symptoms getting worse and three hours since he arrived at the yard Alida gave him some Flumexine (no doubt spelt wrong) which he reacted to. Next thing Alida marched off and grabbed the gun. By the time she got back he was on the ground and looking more settled. It's a wait and see job now. His stress is less and he looks more comfortable however he still need to pass a heap of gas or something!
On another note Poppy who was flown to Darwin is sounding as though the worst is behind him. He's no longer drugged to keep him quiet as he detoxes from smoking, coffee and alcohol, whilst trying to recover from pneumonia and a drain out of his lungs. Sounds like he has less sedative onboard and his breathing tube had been removed.
I've just washed the muster camp clothes - they might need some serious tlc when I get home to get some stains out. I've now hit the wall and lying in my favourite hammock again. Haven't heard how the muster today has gone yet...
Had a bit of a snooze in the hammock which was great. The horse is still alive, a little more relaxed. Has had a wee, but not much else. Still don't know the underlying cause. We heard from Roderick and they have only managed to muster 41 head - which isn't great either.
We weaned a foal last night. Put the mum and another horse in the round yard, then after maybe half an hour we chased out the remaining horses with the foal to the north paddock. It seemed to go very smoothly. Let the mare out at dusk and she called out but not much else. Will see what tomorrow brings - either the foal will be back or all will be well, and we'll see what the chestnut horse does, if he's still alive, improved or stable...
- comments
Linda So is the ginger still alive? Don't keep us in suspense
Robyn So glad Poppy didn’t get the same outback treatment that Jasper may need to be subject to ... the gun