Wow this country is huge... waited in town and met up with Alida and three other people that were just leaving Diggers.
Was great to get some inside knowledge of what goes on. Then went grocery shopping for the station - two trolleys to checkout and three to the car. $550 dollars later we were all set to head to the station. Two hours later, after going through similar country to Zimbabwe we turned off towards Diggers Rest.
Some of the road was a shortcut over what is basically a salt water lake during the wet season. Arrived at the station house at dusk. So warm. Corella's in the trees etc, blue healer dogs. What a spot, - in the middle of nowhere literally.
Found a bed, the plan for tomorrow is to start at 4am! Loaded up saddles etc tonight as we are staying away at the muster camp the following night, as its too far away from the station house to return. Doing a muster tomorrow on horseback with a chopper helping us. The plan then is to bring 10 horses back to the station house on Monday - 30/35km here I come and 6hrs approx in the saddle. Haha it's going make me or break me.
With an early start it almost time for bed... feeling real excited to start what lies ahead.
Will keep you posted if I still have battery and reception.
- comments
Tasha Sounds like a great first few days of exploration :) I see you're technically in Western Australia, by half a centimetre. Hope the first taste of mustering was fun and not too sore.
Linda Are you still alive ?