What a day. Started off with a droving experience. So the animals that were processed in the yard with the wild bulls needed to head out to pasture. So we rounded up all the cattle from around the house and drove them down to the cattle yards. We then released the yarded ones and mixed them together. We then drove them north - all went well. We had two guests with us - one being an 86yr old man John and his wife Ann. (I need to send her pics once I'm back home).
There was one bull who broke away and the bull catcher was sent to round it back up again. Back in the mob the rest went without hitch. So that was a great 3hr ride. I was back on Cody the big chestnut.
Came back for breakfast and then Jason, Brad and I had to take the truck back to Yarrabah (where we stayed the first night at camp) to take down all the panels, put them in the truck and change a tyre on a trailer (which we were supposed to bring back).
Flipping hot loading up the truck but managed to get it - I've adjusted quite a bit in 6 days! Although there were a few welcomed clouds around along with a breeze. Was pretty dry and dusty especially as we were at where the fire had gone through. We then headed to the trailer and tried undoing the nuts with no success at all! The truck had a flat and we were sent out with 20L of diesel to do the 60k round trip. Coming back along the marsh there were mirages which you would absolutely swear were rivers/lakes/stretches of water although it wasn't the case.
We ended up at a holding yard which was a rougher way home than the marsh so we turned around and went back. You couldn't see the turn off on the way back but we eventually found the way. Once on the right track we were away again and then Roderick, Mel and Graeme came through with more fuel. Just got home and had some food.
A great successful day!
Steak for dinner tonight - off to swallow some electrolytes and wash half of the outback off me
- comments
Natasha 6 days, seems like you've been gone a lifetime
Debbie Awesome to hear your blogs. Seems like you getting to be a jack of all trades! Hopefully your climatising a bit more now after a week.... or maybe not! 33 deg is not for me! Horses here all fine. Solo being his usual pesky self. Toby Max Jerry all think each other’s covers are fair game for tug of war! Meeka usually couldn’t care less and Ted Lording it over everyone! Got a week of wind and rain forecast so will see what gets done. I am off to Sydney in July for 3 days. It’s snowing in New South Wales!! Country of extremes really. Enjoy and stay safe.