Took along time yesterday to get the internal body temp down but did eventually. Had some Diggers Rest steak last night - pretty darn tasty to!
I am feeling my body from the 30/35k ride that's for sure. Not to mention the groin strain and bruising. Was pretty positive that I would sleep soundly and happy to report that I got from 8pm to 1am of solid sleep. Would you believe I woke up cold and had to add a blanket... got up at 5:30 for cereal and then my job for the day was lessons. So teaching two French people to ride some trotters and then an Aussie after the french couple.
Off we went to bring in the horses - which is an adventure in itself as the paddocks take an hour and a half to ride around them... so we took a quad bike and began the search of our trustee stead's. We eventually found the two horses that we were looking for and led them back to base.
I lunged a standardbred first to make sure that he knew what he was up to! Which to his credit he did. We then saddled them up and took one at a time into the round yard. The standardbred yesterday wouldn't pull up apparently. Anyway he was ridden round at walk - turning and stopping and all seemed well. I then attached the lunge rein and we tried trot - which was a disaster... hanging on with knees and thighs and bouncing to Africa and back!
No matter what I tried I couldn't get his seat to become independent to anything else - also breathing didn't appear to be a high priority. Unfortunately I didn't get a riding trot established. However he appeared happy and the horse was excellent.
I was then asked to climb on and make sure all buttons were still in place. Wow it's been awhile since I've been on a standardbred however I wasn't prepared for the total lack of co-ordination at trot. No wonder riding was hard work - even I felt like a beginner!
We then swapped around to his partner who was riding a little paint. She had ridden before a little and found the rising trot button a little quicker although breathing wasn't high up in her priority either.
Getting close to 10am and it was getting stupid hot again. I'm thankful that the aussies were finding it hot as well - a small relief. The Aussie then climbed on the paint and had a quick spin, but only lasted 5min as it was simply too hot, neither of our brains were really functioning.
We put them away at 11 and then had scrambled eggs for breakfast - which was supposed to be at 8:30/9. Apparently the early starts are cereal then work them back for breakfast then back to work and today we were all done by 11:30.
It's now 12:41 and I've already consumed 4.5litres of water! Its hot, and I'm sore in more places than I knew existed.
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