I'm a few days behind blogging as we have been enjoying the down time in Broome and haven't been up to anything major.
Although something major that I forgot to say the other day was that Zane had taken a couple of steps.
Sunday arvo we freshened up into some nice clothes again and headed back to the Zoo bar to watch the NRL. We headed off a bit before the game started so we could make sure we got good seats. We definitely didn't need to. We secured all the lounge chairs in front of the TV spread out nicely with the kids and prams everywhere and basically had run of half the bar.
Was a great arvo evening of drinks, tapas & pizzas. After the Roosters beat the Sea Eagles we walked back to camp. We got the kids off to bed in record time and managed to keep on drinking and playing some cards. We made some new friends as our neighbors came over to join in drinking. Everyone else went to bed and then our neighbors went back to their place to keep on drinking and I contemplated going over and keep on drinking as the little social butterfly in me wanted to but the 5.30 wake up in the morning scared me off thankfully.
As it was I pulled up a bit seedy In the morning. Garry and I took the boys out for the yummy buffet breakfast down at the Sunset Bar overlooking Cable Beach. Was surprised my body was craving fruit, muesli and heaps of water. Kids got to see the camels again so they were happy.
Zane has now taken 7 steps!! So proud of my little Buddha.
Then Kylie and I headed off to stock up with the Gibb River Road groceries. $560 later another decent shop.
Back to camp for more swimming.
On Tuesday the guys went and played golf. Kylie and I stayed at camp with the kids and had the fun task of handing out all the animal cards from wooolies that they had been collecting. We had to try and make it equal and fair for the kids. Took quiet a while to help them sort their cards out then swap their doubles to try and get them all. After more trading of cards with another guy in the park all 4 kids managed to get their cards YAY.
The parts for Shaun and Kylie's camper arrived and he fitted the new parts in the arvo which meant we could have took off the next day. We still had a fair bit to do and Emma our neighborly mate had sent me a message from Derby about the Gibb River road being shut due to fires. So we decided to have one more day in Broome and get more information regarding the fires and the road closures from the visitor centre.
Yesterday we took the kids to watch Turbo at the cinema it was a nice chill out, and thankfully Zane only woke up in the last 15 mins and was happy eating and looking at the big screen. Then we went to the information center where they said part of it was still closed. So we've decided we will still head to Windjana gorge for our next camp set up and find out more info as we go. That is 100's of kms from the fires mum :)
After that it was a quick bite at Maccas a bit of running around posting some postcards then back for a swim.
We just had a dip after packing up the camper and now we are on our way to Derby.
- comments
Helen Sarrou Love reading your blogs Sal :)
Steve & Wendy Peterson I'm also collecting the cards so we'll see what you're needing at the end! The blog is great and the experience seems fantastic...congrats to Zane re walking, soon you won't be able to stop him... love and hugs to all