Today was spent driving, driving and more driving!! We were all awake before 7am and so had breakfast, packed up and were on the road by 830 am. Everyone was keen to get to the Queensland Coast as soon as possible and Nick was happy behind the wheel, so the plan was to get as far as possible before we all needed sleep! We stopped every few hours for petrol, food and the toilet and before the day was over had spent more than $1000 on fuel alone!! We reached Avon Downs, the last stop before the QLD border, just as the sun was setting and stopped to make dinner while there was a little bit of light left. The kids got into their pyjamas and we set off again stopping at Fountain Springs around 11 pm for bed. We took the last spot, which was very close to the road and tried to set up quietly as everyone else was sound asleep. The kids passed out straight away and I wasn't too far behind!
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