We had drawn up a long list of things to do in Cairns and pretty much we have been flat out since we got here.
The motorbike has been serviced, lots of long over due purchases made (NextG phones & eggshell foam for our mattress) and other things we have been talking about since we hit the road.
One thing we always wanted to do was a first aid course. Near the Cairns Holiday Park where we are staying is Queensland Ambulance. They run courses so we have spent Saturday and Sunday doing this course. We both enjoyed the course and yes we both passed.
We did take a break on Thursday and headed up to Kuranda which is only 25kms north west of Cairns. Whilst there we had a look at the Barron Gorge Falls which are about 268m high. Again it is a great sight. There is also a tourist train that travels from Cairns to Kuranda and goes along the falls. This pulled into the falls station whilst we were there so we got some shots of it. It was pretty long and full of tourists. We walked around the town, including the markets before stopping for lunch in the pub. We grabbed an ice cream on the way back and had a nap on our return after such a hectic day!
The caravan park we are in has 3 hours free Internet access each day so we have enjoyed this luxury. It is popular park for tourists and there are backpackers everywhere.
We have booked a trip to the Reef tomorrow so are both looking forward to that.
More from Cairns later.
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