Day 1 Lissone!
I woke up at 6:00 after a good nights sleep very excited (and extremely nervous) to meet my host family. The other exchange students and I went to the train station and spent a few hours there wandering around. We saw a man playing the piano in the train station and he was very good!! It was really weird to have to say goodbye again and now it think that my exchange is actually happening and it's not just an overnight trip!!! When on the train I had problems carrying my suitcase (not again) and the suitcase was so big it didn't even fit through the isles. The train ride was beautiful, we passed through Florence (which was amazing) and Bologna (which was also amazing). The train reached speeds of 300km/h which didn't even seem fast at all! When we arrived in Milan, I was thinking to myself 'why am I doing this? 5 months is such a long time. What am I thinking. Take me home!' But as soon as I met my host family all the worries were washed away they are so nice and I am so lucky that they chose to host me!! When we arrived in Lissone I unpacked and then we went into Monza. Because of the Formula One race tomorrow the centre was packed full of people shopping and there were Ferraris everywhere!! There were also Jaguars and Porches (I got lots of photos don't worry) and I touched one of the Ferraris (I felt so special!) after that we came home and had pizza for dinner and this pizza just keeps on getting better and better!! I am so lucky to have this opportunity to go on exchange to Italy and I am loving it so much!!!
- comments
Corinne All this pizza, you are making me so jealous and to think you are in Monza during the F1, just incredible!!
Teags Just make sure you learn how to make these delicious Italian pizzas so you can spoil us when you are back home!!
Marjie Wow Cobes - My heart was with you when I read about the train trip (was anyone escorting you) and your nerves - it's such a courageous, strong, adventurous journey you're on and those feelings are natural when you push your limits AND so glad you're loving being with your host family. You're totally in our hearts over here in Canada AND eat more pizza!!! YUM!!