Today school started at 9am! So me Gaia and Chiara decided to go and have a little snack before class. We went to a cafe and I had a chocolate muffin which had melted chocolate in the inside and it was amazing! Gaia had a vegan brioche (yes that is a thing) and Chiara had another kind of brioche with chocolate inside it. We had a French test today and I was very lost throughout the test. I answered one question and I hope I got it right. Most of the test was on grammar and I don't know French grammar. When I got back from school we spoke to Stefano on Skype and he is enjoying his time in New Zealand!! We had lunch and Massimo gave me this gorgeous scarf which was from Sardinia! Then we had a little time to relax and then we went to Milan for shopping! We went to the 'hipster' part of Milan (so there were some interesting people there) and I even saw this shop that was probably the scariest shop I have ever seen (I actually don't know how to describe it it was so strange) Michela and Massimo went to the markets while Sara and I went to the shops. We went into American Apparel and I found the weirdest outfit ever. It was a skin tight gold jumpsuit. So of course I had to try it on. It was actually quite comfortable but it was very very low cut and had no back. I don't know why anyone in their right mind would buy/wear that jumpsuit but anyways. We went into lots of different shops and I bought a very nice top! We went into a kind of reject shop shop and looked at all the stuff in there. There was a beer glass that had a bell on it and written on the glass was 'ring if you are having a good time' it was funny but I thought it should have said 'ring for more beer'. Afterwards Sara and I went out for dinner with some of Saras primary school friends and they were all very nice! We didn't get seated at the restaurant until 9:30pm so I was very hungry by the time our pizza came. It was Naples style pizza so it had a big crust and was very delicious! I ate the whole ginormous pizza and was very full afterwards.
- comments
Corinne WOW...what a huge day!! Chocolate over load
El Daddio Yay for Birthdays and scarves and shopping with hipsters in Milano town! Did you get a deconstructed caramel chai latte at all? Where's the pic of you dressed up in Beyonce's gold suit? Love you Big 16 xx