L'ultima cena oggi!!! Is what I sent to some of my Italian friends and then they started freaking out. Then I thought to myself 'maybe it's not called l'ultima cena and I got my translation wrong... But that can't be right?!' Turns out they thought I meant that today was my last dinner in Italy!! I was talking about the painting!! So today I had a tour of the last supper with WEP, Michela and I caught the train into Milan as she was going Christmas shopping and then I met up with my friends from WEP. The last supper truly was incredible!!! It was much smaller than I thought it was but still unbelievable!! They have lots of rules about only taking photos of it without the flash and the room had to be kept at a certain temperature so it lasts etc. and I was absoultley positive that my flash was off, I took a photo and then somehow the flash was on (I SWITCHED IT TO NO FLASH I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AH) and then I got yelled at by the people looking after painting (I felt so bad). Unfortunately the tour guide spoke in very fast Italian so I didn't understand what she was explaining (I was quite upset). After the tour we visited the church next to where the last supper painting is and it was very beautiful. Michela and I then walked a bit more around Milan and then returned home.
- comments
Corinne Oh you bad girl!! Maybe you are a true blonde dressed up as a red head;) If it was an accident relax!! You got a great photo, shame about the flash reflection!! xx