Happy Halloween! Today I slept in late and had a lazy morning, at 1:30 I met up with Chiara, Gaia and Chiara's friend Carlotta and we went paint balling!! I had no idea what to expect so I was quite nervous! We got to the paintball camp and it was very muddy and foggy. Luckily they had these camo suits that you could wear so your clothes didn't get dirty. They had 3 rules. The gun safety rules, no firing if you are less than 6meters from someone, and always wear the mask. It was pretty straight foreword. They also had these disgusting gloves (they were wet and mouldy I kid you not) that you could wear to protect your hands. I decided that I would rather have my hand hit with a paintball bullet than get a disease from the gloves. My finger did actually end up getting hit once but it only hurt for about 2 minutes. I also got hit on the back but no mark was left! (Thank you to my shirt, hoodie and camo suit!) we played 4 rounds of paintball against the same team. One field was called 'the walking dead' after the show. It had broken cars and tires to hide behind and we played two rounds in that one. The next one was 'Egypt' and had pyramid which was pretty cool. I don't know what the last field was called but it had only a few places to his behind and was the most fun!
- comments
Cayla ( Little Sister ) I didn't think you were allowed to paintball either !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at least I can be jealous of my big sister :(:(:(
Corinne How much go girls!! Rocking that camo gear by the way ;) Don't let that weather stop you doing everything you can!! Love you xx