Today was another great day!! We had a lazy morning but then cooked an amazing lunch! It was beef cooked in vegetables and sauce with figs and prosciutto. After lunch we had a range of Italian sweets! I tried about 5 and they were all sooooo good!! After lunch we went to the Vila Reale. It was absolutely beautiful! We arrived 2 hours before the tour so we had time to walk around and see the grounds! There were people everywhere and I think there was a meeting for poodle owners in the park as there was poodles everywhere! We also saw this dog that was the biggest fluff ball I have ever seen. It was so cute!!! There was a pond and in the pond there were lots of massive fish and even turtles! Some people were feeding geese to I avoided them (not taking any chances with those evil animals). When it was time for our tour we followed the guide and she took us inside the villa. I can't put it into words how incredible it was! You couldn't take photos though so I won't be able to show anyone what it actually looked like. But this villa was built in the 17th century and was bulit in 3 years. It was the summer palace for the Italian Royal family in the 1900s and was a very modern building for its time! (It had heating and hot/cold water). The rooms were set up as they were back in the 1900s and we got to see the Queens chambers and the Kings chambers. Not going to lie, I am really nervous about school tomorrow, but hopefully I will be okay.
- comments
Corinne WOW another amazing day, beautiful photo!! School will be hard to start, but will be another amazing adventure!! Believe in yourself, you are an amazing, confident, courageous girl. Just be your beautiful outgoing self and you will have an amazing journey in your Italian School! We love you and know you will be great!! xx
Dianne East I googled and saw some lovely photos inside, good luck with school, you can do it , just be your confident self, much love. xxx
Teags Loving your adventures beautiful girl and the school is going to love you! You are such a beautiful person inside and out. You have already faced so many challenges on the trip and everything has turned out fine so school will be just the same. Just take it all in and enjoy the experience. Love you! Also with all the talk about food I'm thinking you should have been a taurean!