So today's the big day (hahah mum and grandma forgetting my birthday) and I woke up early as usual and I got the bus as usual. Today we were in a different classroom (again) and I had no idea where the classroom was so I had to guess and walk to find it. It found the classroom and then I was pulled out by some of my friends and then was brought back in. They had a brioche (with chocolate inside!) with a candle on it. They sang happy birthday to me and then I ate the brioche! At break time I brought out the sucker cakes (they are cakes from Austria and they are sooooo good!!) and have them around to the class. Apparently they are pretty much everyone's favourite so I chose well!! When I got home Sara and Michela sang happy birthday to me and I had a cake which was a chocolate cake and sooo good! Then they gave me a present which was a bracelet that smells like icing sugar! It is the most amazing smell I have ever smelt and it is such a pretty bracelet! Mum and Dad also snuck a present inside my suitcase which was a bracelet with my name on an Infinity sign! It is also so pretty!!! I haven't taken either bracelet off since I got them. Massimo was supposed to arrive in the night time but his flight got delayed lots and didn't end up getting to Lissone until 2am (I was obviously asleep by then)
- comments
Corinne As if your Mum and Grandma would forget your birthday...even if you are on the other side of the world!! We were just joking!! Definitely got spoilt, what a lovely day!! xx