Today was not my day. Started off with me thinking I was late for the bus o my for the bus too come 10mintues late and didn't stop saying I had to wait for the next bus (which came at 8 and guess what time school starts) so it turns out I was only 20mintues late but it was still a bit embarrassing for me the exchange student turning up late to class. And I wasn't quite sure which classroom I was supposed to be in as we have changed a few times. Luckily I went to the right room. But on the plus side I saw an amazing sunrise (#whatmumsdo this sunrise was way better Han the one you got up for) After school I couldn't get the door opened (I have no idea what was wrong with me today) but managed too eventually. At 7 I did another Zumba class and I did enjoy that except I couldn't do some of the steps (being so uncoordinated) but otherwise I enjoyed the Zumba class.
- comments
Corinne Just have to laugh and carry on!!