Well what a day. I don't catch the bus on Saturdays because of the disaster last time. So I didn't have to wake up as early (yay!!) and I arrived at school early (even with the worst traffic ever) I had the same subjects as yesterday (I think that is a thing, the subjects the same on Fridays and Saturdays) and I had an okay day with understanding! I got picked up after school and I forget what we had for lunch. After we went to Bergamo!! The traffic on the way there was really bad as there is a concert in Monza tonight and people were getting there at 8am!! We took a lift to the top of the older part of Bergamo and we saw the most amazing view ever!! It was a view of basically the whole city and it was incredible! We walked around the town looking at shops and I had a gelato with the flavours kinder surprise and liquorice!!! We saw a man busking playing the saxophone (he was better than you sorry Cayla) and another person playing a harp! They had a flying fox set up where you saw the amazing view of Bergamo (probably set up about 1000000 meters off the ground) and I went across it. Before it was my turn I was really scared but it was so amazing to see and it felt like I was flying!!! We came back home and I had a salami pizza for dinner!
- comments
Corinne WOW...what a day it sounds like a place you will have to take me to!! Enjoy your day off school!! xx
Corinne Think of us racing!! xx
Cayla (Little Sister) Your a bit mean Cobey I can play the sax better than you and any way at physie there are people playing the sax(they are herting my ear) I wish sosososososososoosososososoosososoososos much that 1 I could come and live with you and your host family(that sound so amazing it's not funny) 2 that I don't have to listen to the sax player at physie I MISS YOU COBEY