Rainy day again today. Which means the bus is crowed (and when I mean crowed I mean jam packed full) So I had an uncomfortable ride to school but luckily the rain stopped before I got off the bus. First period was a double period of sport today and we played a game kind of like capture the flag but on a smaller scale. I was confused about the rules at the start but after we lost the first game (all my fault ooops) I managed to understand the rules and my team won the second game! Maths was third and I understood what we were learning (it's still like learning algebraic maths in year 7 but I'm getting there) and last period was Spanish, so I read my Italian dictionary. I had to run to catch the bus so I didn't miss it and I got to the stop just in time. Lunch was Carbonara AND just so everyone knows if you go to an Italian restaurant and order carbonara and it comes with creme sauce and mushrooms tell them that that is not carbonara and demand a refund. Carbonara is pasta with bacon, egg and Parmesan. That's it. After lunch I did a bit of studying and then we had salmon and a pie for dinner. Oh and the cover picture is a guessing competition. If you know who it is you get $1 million dollars!
- comments
Corinne Elton John?? You might not think walking to school is so bad when you get home?!? xx
Teags OMG Rin, I too thought Elton John! Great minds think alike! Cobes have you started at the gym yet? All this running for the bus you will be able to come running in the events with me! I forget that you aren't on FB so I will start putting pics up on Instagram (which I have never used before) for you. I'm not sure if I told you but when Rog got home on Tuesday we went and had Thai for lunch - it was so yummy and I can't wait till we can eat it again! Then we went to the Italian on Concord Road (the one that Aunty Lol used to love) and a family from Rome now own it. I told them that you were in Milan and don't take offence but they said the best bit about Milan is catching the train to Rome! They are very dedicated Romans!! Anyway I had a sneaky cannoli filled with ricotta and it made me think of you. When you get home I'm taking you on a date with me to this restaurant as it's very authentic Italian. Keep up the great work with your blog as I love reading about your daily adventures. Love you