What a day!! After recovering sickness(I had really bad flu and a cold, coughing every 2minutes uncontrollably or sneezing and having a runny nose, not fun) I had an awesome day!! Started off with school (ugh it's legit Christmas why am I still at school) but in French today we just listened to French songs as we had these girls in our class who were younger (I actually knew two of the songs, what is life?!) after school I had a lovely lunch of tortellini in broth and the after lunch Michela and I headed off to Milan, Milan at Christmas time is absolutely i n c r e d i b l e!!! First off we saw a Santa marathon (-1837373 degrees and people are running whilst I am rugged up in one of Sara's jackets as mine aren't warm enough) then we went for a walk to see REAL LIFE FLAMINGOES!!!!!!! I honestly couldn't believe my eyes for a second time, flamingoes are really hard to believe exist BUT THEY DO!!!!! They are such beautiful birds! After spending a good 15minutes marvelling at the flamingoes we walked to the shopping district and we t shopping for Christmas presents and looking at all the gorgeous light displays (in pretty much every street there is at least one string of lights and they are all really pretty!) but the prettiest lights were on the Christmas tree outside of Milano Duomo, on the building next to Milano Duomo and in the Galleria near Milano Duomo with the Swarovski Christmas tree. There were soooooo many people shopping, in some shops you couldn't move as it was so crowed, I was buying a present and then the 'Cobey speaks in Italian and the shop person speaks back to her in English strikes again' the lady asked me if I wanted a bag and I say no, she then tells me the cost of the present in English.... After we went to the magnum caffe and I had a create-your-own Nahum! (Apparently there is also one in Sydney and Melbourne, but I must be fairly new) I had a chocolate magnum dipped in dark chocolate, covered with mini marshmallows, brownie bits and golden drops, drizzled with milk chocolate. It was soooo good. Afterwards we can back home and had pizza for dinner. Check my photo album I am uploading photos of the lights etc.
- comments
Aunty Teags Glad to hear you are better and what a magical time to be overseas enjoying all the Christmas lights. Your magnum sounds delicious and it made me google one in Sydney but doesn't look like there is one at the moment. Wow the flamingoes look beautiful - how special. Keep enjoying yourself and stay warm. Love you!
Corinne The pictures look so pretty!!! You really need to practise rolling those r's :D Glad you are all better. How lucky to experience Christmas in such a beautiful place!! Love you xx