Lazy day today. I woke up and had a late brekkie and chilled around the house watching Italian TV and trying to beat Sara on MarioKart (guess who came 12th every time lol) and then going through the channels guess what I found?! My Kitchen Rules season 4 Australia!! They have an Australian TV show played in Italy, how funny!! We have ravioli with cream sauce for lunch and I had to get seconds because it was so good! (My tummy is rumbling just thinking about it!). At 5:30 Chiara from WEP came to meet me and she was very nice. She asked me how I was etc. and I told her that I couldn't of asked for a better host family and that I am so happy and excited to be here!! (And I am surprisingly not feeling very homesick). I do miss everyone very much, but I am so excited as to what memories I will make in Italy. I helped cook dinner tonight I made frittatas for the first time (the flipping part Michela had to do) and they turned out pretty good! For some reason on the blog I can't respond to people's comments so just letting you know I am reading them but I can't respond I don't know why.
- comments
Dianne East The rate you are going and how fast you are learning italian cooking maybe an italian kitchen may pop up in cherrybrook, won't uncle roger love it, we will all be putting in our orders and your weekend could be quite profitable for you sending us off to fill our freezers for the week, love you Darling. xxx
Corinne Hi Yaya!! Argh I'm missing my Head Cook but looking forward to lots of yummy new receipts!! Love yah :x
Marjie LOVE that your host family is great AND that you're so very conscious that this is such a special time for you and you're creating memories that will last a life time. Go girl! Love you tonnes Cobes xoxo
Chris Yaya looks so impressed Cobes! Maybe you should show him the selfie of you and rainbow lorikeet we took at Narooma. Might be a bit more excited! He's not Grumpy Cat is he?
Dad Cobes you can't reply to comments on this blog - you just need to add a comment yourself if you wish
Libby It has been great reading all your blogs! - although I wish you could somehow 'pass through' some of this Italian cooking! YUM! Glad everything is working out so well. Xo