I woke up this morning with the sun shining and the birds chirping.... NOT it was poring with rain (great as if I wasn't already feeling too tired) and I had to walk to the bus stop in the poring rain. I had an umbrella but umbrellas can only do so much. I felt really sorry for the people at the bus stop across from me as they didn't have a shelter to stand under (I did yay!). The bus was about 20 minutes late so I was so scared that I was going to be late for school (luckily I wasn't), when I got on the bus it was so crowed I had to stand squished against 4 people and I thought at one point I was going to fall out of the bus when the doors opened at a different stop! The bus ride was really not a comfortable one and hopefully it won't be the same tomorrow! I got to school about 10mintues before the teacher (she was also late because of the traffic). The subjects I had today were English conversation, science, maths and religion. In science we are learning basically the same stuff I learnt earlier this year and last year so I have a good idea of what to do! In maths I am so confused. The teacher is teaching a really weird method and in Italy the multiplication sign is different so that confused me as well. In religion we didn't do anything, the teacher just asked the class what they did in the holidays. I caught the bus home (it wasn't as crowed thankfully) and had marinara pasta for lunch!! After lunch we went to look a local gym and see what they offered and I might do Zumba!! For dinner we had an omelet with prosciutto. After dinner we watched Italian xfactor!!
- comments
Cayla (Little Sister) Looks like you are having fun Cobey have fun being unable to move on the bus at lest you don't have to walk I miss you so so so so so so so so much big sister
Corinne It's great that you have a few easier subjects, make sure you do as much French as possible! How old are your classmates? Zumba's meant to be great fun!! xx
Dianne East We have zumba classes at Curves and I have done the odd lesson, I am sure you would enjoy it as it is fast moving and with all the delicious italian food would probably be just what you need for some blood moving exercise, love you, miss you. xxx
Marjie Lesko Kye started Gr. 1 last week and his french starts next week - maybe you two will be conversational in French on our next trip down under. Buses, Italy and commuting - what an adventure! In India - the buses are just as crowded, but hot, stinky, and have chickens, goats, dogs etc in the bus and people are hanging on the sides and on top of the bus and the roads are so narrow only one vehicle can drive in one direction at a time....but....vehicles drive in both the same time....and the drivers honk like mad ALL the time so other drivers know they're coming. People often jump off the roof cause the drivers are so crazy and they think the buses are about to roll over! Italy is civilised :-)