So had an interesting start to the day. Put my porridge in the microwave and it sparked at me. So decided to leave that, pack up and head to the little cafe at the foreshore. Nice bacon and eggs for me. Then we headed to the local postoffice and got a sticker.
We then headed to Greenough to their pioneer village. Most of the buildings were to do with one or other of the churches. They also had abeautiful old goal. That had the court room and doctors room attached. While you are walking around this site there are a group of Alpacas that keep the grass short.
We then headed to Geraldton to look at the HMAS Sydney memorial. Also spent some time on their foreshore and at the harbour watching a large cargo ship being guided back out to see by three tugs. Also got to talk some young indigenous locals about the history of that area.
Did a little shopping at Coles and we were on the road again.
The landscape north of Geraldton was very different to the southern side. It became a wheat belt area. Looked lovely with the sand hills further back on either side of the highway.
The landscape changed after a while and we found ourselves amongst scrub again. Every so often you would see land subdivisions for sale. I couldn't see why you would buy out in the middle of nowhere but people were. We also went passed lots of turnings for very small towns. The couple we turned into were quite a surprise. Lots of new housing.
We the reached Northhampton we is a very old pioneer town with a beautiful old convent. This is where you turn off the highway to go to Port gregory and Kalbarri.
Very windy pastural country. I wondered how much quicker it would'vebeen if we could've driven in a straighter line. We hit the Pink lake just 60 km out of kalbarri. This time the lake was a vivid pink unlike the one down south.
We then continued on to Kalbarri. It is a nice little town on the sea and murchison river. We found the cavaravan park our home for the next 2 nights and set up camp.
We took the roof bag down to find that everything but the bag of summer clothes had stayed dry through all the rain we had in the southwest corner, A trip to the laundromat tomorrow.
We then remembered how to put the tent up. What fun especially when it was to be a windy night. We managed it well and settled in for the night.
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