Woke up to a chilly morning and outside there was a mist covering the valley below us. We sat outside and had coffee and then began the breakfast marathon, which turned out to be a sprint this morning as the kids were all eager to go to the zoo! We caught the train to Circular Quay and the kids sat and stared out the window all the way there. They were beyond excited and at one point Matty yelled out "Look - it's the Sydney Half-a Bridge!" I don't think we will know it by any other name now! We arrived at our ferry terminal and had a fifteen-minute wait before it left so we grabbed a quick coffee to take with us. We sat outside in the sun and watched the city go by - such a great way to travel. At the zoo we had to catch a bus from the ferry to the top gate where it cost us $150 to enter. We offered them the boys in exchange for free tickets but they weren't keen! We spent the morning walking around all the non-native animals and initially it was quite hard keeping track of the kids, as there were hundreds of school children walking around in large groups. They made so much noise that we couldn't even hear Matty talking - something that has NEVER happened before!! We stopped at the zoo food hall for lunch and it was pretty awful and quite expensive but good to have a rest. We saw all the water animals next and caught the cable car back up to the top of the zoo before seeing all the native animals. By the time we had finished it was 2.30 pm and the kids were ready for a sit down on the ferry. Back at Circular Quay we decided to walk through the city centre to Wynyard Station and it was much easier then walking through Melbourne city centre. We caught the train home but got off one stop early at Chatswood Station and walked down the main shopping mall to visit the Nespresso store for some more coffee pods. The amount of food stalls around was amazing and all of them looked and smelt incredible - I wish we hadn't eaten at the zoo! We called into Coles for more milk and then got the train back home. It was around 5 by the time we got back to the van and the kids had walked their socks off without any complaints. Nick and I sat and had a coffee and watched the sun set over the valley then I made some phone calls and booked the next two weeks of accommodation. Contacting parks by email looking for cheaper offers of accommodation seems to be more successful then just turning up on site! I made dinner and then the kids showered and played for a while before bed - three pretended to be different zoo animals while the other one was the zookeeper! Nick and I zoned out in front of the TV for a while feeling bone weary - it's full on keeping an eye on our brood in a busy city!!
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