From Albany we headed north-ish. We did a bit of zig-zagging partly due to poor signage, WA has terrible direction signs, if there is a sign then its right at the intersection where you need to turn, not before, so u-turns with the caravan have been common place, and partly due to the places that we planned to stay in were dives! When there are no travellers staying in a caravan park that is full of old cars and caravans rotting away it sort of screams at you not to stay there! The landscape changed dramatically along the way from beautiful Albany. The trees got smaller, the land became brown and dry, and we came across huge salt lakes causing everything around to die, very harsh country! Anyway after a fairly long day we stopped at Lake Grace for the night. It is VERY windy here but its a clean and tidy place to stay. Tomorrow we plan to go to Wave Rock, we will see if we actually get there!
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