Kellie's latest entry
Brisbane, Warner, Queensland
This morning we decided to leave Lismore and travel our final leg home. We said goodbye to Kellie's family and then we hit the road north. Wow, this is it, our final 300km of our 27,600km journey around our beautiful Big Country! We stopped off at the Coomera Super Service Centre on the motorway for a break before continuing on to surprise …
GeilWichserWichsenundAbspritzenDE Hot Pic 🔥 nice Pic good Stuff (Content) to jerk off onto - Greetings From Germany
re: A Quick Bush WeeUnknown Can I suck your sons penis It will be good for him to try something new
re: Bush WeeDaniel Herweynen kool lizard dad
re: Shingle Back LizardNess, Steve & Gracie Hi Tim, Kellie and Lochie, Sounds like you are still having fun! We loved Cape Range and stayed at Kurrajong campsite if you are going out that way. We are in Esperance and moving onto Kalgoorlie tomorrow - wish we were still at Cape Range! Take care Ness, Steve and Gracie
re: Exmouth, Western AustraliaTegu Murray was and is alot of my motivation to prusue Mechanical Engineering. I'll do my absolute best to honor your memory by completing this degree.Thank you Murray for the friendship, the advice, and most of all the humor.You're a true inspiration to anyone in the HVACR trade who has a quest for trade knowledge. Mr. and Mrs. Woodgate as well as Mrs. Murray Woodgate, I will miss Murray very much, but I will try to approach engineering tasks from his perspective. The perspective of always learning and gaining the knowledge to be confident in the decision making process.Murray, I hope that someday we can met and share storiese face to face in the presence of God. God Bless you my friend. Patrick Mollohan (pabull)
re: Woodgate, QueenslandTegu Murray was and is alot of my motivation to prusue Mechanical Engineering. I'll do my absolute best to honor your memory by completing this degree.Thank you Murray for the friendship, the advice, and most of all the humor.You're a true inspiration to anyone in the HVACR trade who has a quest for trade knowledge. Mr. and Mrs. Woodgate as well as Mrs. Murray Woodgate, I will miss Murray very much, but I will try to approach engineering tasks from his perspective. The perspective of always learning and gaining the knowledge to be confident in the decision making process.Murray, I hope that someday we can met and share storiese face to face in the presence of God. God Bless you my friend. Patrick Mollohan (pabull)
re: Woodgate, QueenslandJeannette Fun to read through these as it brigns back memories of high school honors English.I thought Billy Budd was okay. Never got past the first chapter of Moby d*** (and have never been interested enough in the subject to try again); similarly, I LOVE Edith Wharton's short story Roman Fever (I hope got that title right), yet also thought Ethan Frome was the most depressing story every written (I cried for days).Never been able to get into Faulkner, either, but I think it's because my first taste of him was The Sound and the Fury, which I just plain couldn't follow.
re: Edith Falls, Northern TerritoryAspen Jeg vet!! Den er se5 fin! Uten noe he5p kikket jeg etter noe ldgennie pe5 eBay for noen uker siden, men dessverre ingenting som kom i ne6rheten nei. Fe5r he5pe noen lager noe som ligner.
re: Replica Of Largest Croc KilledIntand I still use Firefox mainly bcesuae it is my default and I can't see much uniqueness in Googles Browser so far. They say it will crash less but Firefox is not too bad. I found IE6 to be a real memory hog and IE7 over developed and not nice to use. I must try Chrome again soon for comparison!
re: Cannonvale, QueenslandYoga I've been walking in the wet sesaon in Kakadu for 30 years. It's fantastic! Sadly, even most of the people who live in Darwin don't realise what a great place it is in the Wet. I did a two week walking trip in Kakadu in January. You can see photos from that trip on my Facebook page at . Hold your cursor over the photos to see short stories about each photo. If the direct link doesn't work, you should be able to get there from the on my website.You don't have to do a major bushwalk like we did to get to some of those places. The first and tenth photos are on the marked trails at Yurmikmik. The final one is at the end of the marked trail to Gubara. Anyone can do those or the Yellow Waters cruise, very different in the Wet to the Dry. If this post inspires at least one visit, It's done it's job.
re: Kakadu, Northern TerritorySindychiieBonithaa du e4r helt stf6rtfin i he5ret nu. be5de fe4rgen och formen!! det skrekir 70-tal :) du e4r den absolut be4sta modebloggaren jag vet. du e4r se5 himla duktig pe5 att matcha saker och du varierar dig se5 mycket. verkligen min stf6rsta inspirationske4lla!
re: TrainKevon You definitely get to the heart of the issue. "Since no gonernmevt will last long of it tries to reduce the economic opportunities of its citizens, this means that efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions must either improve energy efficiency or decarbonise energy supply."Politicians and the general public probably aren't willing to accept that. I guess the carbon tax would fall under "efficiency" by coersing people to use less energy. Are there any realistic views out there on ways to "improve energy efficiency or decarbonise energy supply" and their associated economic impacts?The one line that drives me crazy was "Australia doesn't do nuclear". Sigh. Makes me wonder what these peoples' true priorities and concerns are.
re: Cloncurry, QueenslandIntand Jamie Petroskey - Jade! I love the hair! Your eyes look amazing! Really makes em pop! Word on the steert is that we have a 4 page article in Savannah weddings! Super excitd to see it! we just got back from our honeymoon one year later Kyle is home and safe Thanks again for everything!
re: Gin Gin, QueenslandSana snygg"Bara ff6r att det e4r sf6ndag och alla har den obehagliga ke4nslan man fe5r ne4r man inser att imroogn bf6rjar veckan, att imroogn e4r me5ndag och man vill inget annat e4n bara stanna hemma beste4mde jag mig ff6r att dela med mig ne5gra le5tar som fe5r mig pe5 en bra humf6r pe5 se5dana dagar som denna...."
re: Sunset Cable Beach