Panama Canal, George And Mary's Dream Journey
Day 24- September 3, 36 miles
Bodega Dines to Olema Camp Ground
Fog at camp site. Headed inland, blue sky- Yeh! Now in dry farm land, away from coast. Valley Ford, 1st town, then Tomales, good deli and popular destination of bikers and motorcycles - plus a cute tourist spot. Further along is the town of Point Reyes Station, picked up groceries and watched people while eating our yummy peanut butter and jam lunch. Very busy tourist town(pic) End of long weekend, glad to get off road- last 3 days have been horrible! Needed short day, doing laundry and warming up.
46 great years- to my best friend and soul mate-see you soon. Love you so much.
- comments
Johnny 46 years together wow, no wonder you are riding away ! Just kidding :) !! Congrats to you both !! Now that is an anniversary dinner, peanut butter and jam sandwich, reminds me of Gayle and I in Italy for our 25th, I was so tired of pasta and pizza I had a hot dog for our 25th dinner. The warm weather must be getting closer, I can't believe you are not in it now ! Keep riding and stay strong, 24 days in (the countdown is on) and Thelma amd Louise are still going strong !!! Mary, not sure when you will be checking in next, but we are off to NY, Bos, & the Bahamas on Thursday and not sure we are bringng the laptop, but we will try to check in once and a while. Again ride safe, stay strong and keep smiling........ I can see that smile from here !!! Gayle, Tyler, Cori and I all send you our love !