Angie's Trip to England
So I believe I left off on Thursday of last it goes!
Friday - I got to sleep in! I woke up around 11:30, showered, had lunch, and then Amy and I went to lecture at 2. After class we hung out for a bit until dinner then ate. We were going to go out into town but then James said him and all the guys were staying in and playing poker so we decided to do the same. It was actually a pretty fun night to just hang out in our comfy clothes. The boys played poker, then we played some other card games, ate some pizza, and went to bed.
Saturday - Amy and I took a trip to Bath Spa (see the journal entry)
Sunday - After we got back from Bath, it was time to write a much dreaded Psych essay. Because this is the first time Amy and I have actually done work, we were a bit clueless on how to get started haha. We decided we needed to do more research though so we went on campus to the library at six and found that it closed at 5!! Honestly what campus library closes at 5? So were mad and boycotted our paper a bit more and went to dinner with the boys. Amy and I decided that we should write as much of our paper as we can and then get up early and go to the library to finish it the next day. So thats what we did! I was up until four and I think Amy was up pretty late as well.
Monday - We woke up, ate breakfast, and went to the library. Surprisingly it only took us an hour to finish up the paper and turn it in! One paper down, four to go! We went back to the hall where Amy took a nap and I played online. Then we had lunch. After lunch I took a nap (Amy took another one...lazy girl haha). When I woke up it was time for dinner. We ate and then did some laundry and began working on yet another paper that is due on Friday. Once again we were both up pretty late...Amy had to finish hers because she is leaving Wednesday for Spain but I gave up and organized my pictures instead.
Tuesday - We woke up early and went into town to attempt to find new outfits...we are tired of the same clothes over and over again! As usual, not much luck. The clothes here are just weird and trendy and if we do find something we like, its too expensive and cant buy it! Finally we gave up around two, went back to Bridges, and I took a nap for a bit until it was time to shower and eat dinner. Its tuesday which means out to Revolutions. Amy, Renee, James, Scotty, and I went out and had a pretty good time. Amy and Renee danced most of the night while I sat and talked with the guys. Then we left, got Istanbul grille as usual and went back to the guys corridor. I sat and talked with Steve and Ed for a while and then finally went to bed.
Wednesday, Amy and I got up and went to class. Then Amy came back to finish packing and get ready to leave for Spain. I probably should have gone with them but I'd rather spend more money in Italy! She left at about 1:00 and it was pretty sad. Considering her and I spend about every second together it was weird to be saying bye to her! Today, though, Reading was having a tournament called Social Rugby Sevens. Its where people submit rugby teams of 7 players and each team plays each other for 7 minutes. Its tournament style so it comes down to a final match at the end. Well I went with Hugh to go watch and basically there were a ton of students and food was being sold. People brought beer to drink...over half of the people there were drunk and some of the teams were as well. James, Ed, and some others were also there so we all hung out. Simon and Henry (a couple guys we hang around with a lot) were one a team and they made it to the quarter finals so we watched them but they lost =( Lets see, I got to see someone throw up, a boy pee in the middle of a bunch of people, and about 8 guys streak butt naked across the playing field. Pretty interesting stuff if you ask me. When it was over, Hugh, James, and I walked back to our hall in time for dinner. After dinner I showered and got ready to go out to the union. I went down to the guys corridor as usual but it was a bit odd being the only girl without Amy (who at the point I miss tons!!). But all the guys were very nice and it was fun a fun night! I'm kind of mad at myself though because I didnt take any pictures at the rugby tournament or that night as well...oh well I guess.
Thursday - I woke up, went to lecture, showered, and met the guys for lunch. After lunch I was lazy and watched a movie (In Her Shoes...great film!). Then I went down to meet the guys for supper...I ate, came back up here, talked online for a bit, and then Hugh, James, and I watched Remember the Titans. After the movie I had to go back to my room and finish my paper that is due today so thats what I did. I finished it at about 1:30 and then went to bed.
Today - I slept in again! Yay! Showered, went down for lunch (they call it dinner), then went to lecture and turned in Amy and I's papers...2 down, 3 to go. Now here I am updating this website until its suppertime. A couple of the guys are gone for the weekend...Steve, Simon, and the guys who are still here and I are going to a pool hall I think to play "Yankee pool" as they call it haha. Either that or we are staying in and playing poker. Amy comes back soon and I cant wait!!
So as you can see, things are still going really good here! Its been a difficult couple of days with Amy gone and not having any female companionship but the guys have been great...especially James and Hugh! I cant believe I will be home in 3 weeks! Its amazing how fast time flies. Well, I miss you all and love you much. Keep in touch!
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