Angie's Trip to England
Its been a while...sorry about that! I had a great weekend. Friday night Amy and I went to Bar Risa with Dan, Graham, and Phil to go dancing. Yes dancing...I know it's a big shock to you that I went dancing but that's what happened haha. It was fun but we once again were out too late because we didn't wake up in time to go to London on Saturday. Instead we went to Reading Town Centre which was a huge mistake. It was sooooo crowded it was ridiculous. And people don't watch where they walk here...its kind of funny. Saturday night the "rugby" boys invited us to dinner. They made a traditional Scottish meal in honor of one of the guys on their floor. It consisted of Scottish broth (which tasted like cigarettes no joke), mashed potatoes, and haggis (which by definition is...A Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal). I had a small bite of the broth, lots of potatoes, and a small bite of the haggis...crunching and chewing at the same time is not my idea of a good tasting meat! After dinner, we played a couple card games and just hung out for a bit.
Sunday I got to sleep in!! But this is also the day I started feeling really bad...nonstop coughing basically. Though, instead of sleeping and attempting to feel better, Amy and I went down to the boys' corridor, hung out for a bit, and then went to an all-you-can-eat Indian Buffet. It was pretty good! Afterwards, we went back to Bridges with the guys and just had a relaxing night. I learned a little bit on how to throw a rugby ball which I found really exciting! And watched part of Man on Fire before going to bed. It was a nice day.
Yesterday (Monday), I woke up feeling worse of course. Then went to breakfast and Psych class (which I coughed through the entire thing, but then so did everyone else in the class). After lunch, I took another nap to try and feel better...slept for four hours but woke up several times sweating to death. I took my temp and had a fever =( Renee gave me some medicine though which brought my fever down a bit and I felt better for the rest of the night. Renee, Amy, and I just watched part of a movie and then went to bed.
Today I had a doctor's appointment at 11. She said I just have an upper respiratory tract infection and since it has been over 48 hours it wouldn't be worth it to give me antibiotics so I just have to treat my symptoms. I actually feel so much better today though, minus coughing all the time. Amy and I went to London to go shopping. In two weeks we have a Valentine's Day Ball for the Hall so we have to find a dress to wear! Neither of us could find one today and we are kind of freaking out about it. Hopefully we will find something in Paris. After dinner, we went with Renee and James to the supermarket which turned out to be pretty fun thanks to Amy! Haha. She dropped a case of beer bottles and broke some of we had to open the box, take the bottles out that weren't broken, put them in bags, clean up the mess, and then since we had so many bags, James had to call one of his friends to help us carry everything up. May not seem that funny to you but trust me, it was! So now, I am writing this and in about a half hour, we are going to go hang out with the boys for a bit!
Even though we only saw Oxford Street in London, Amy and I fell in love with it. Its like New York City minus the skyscrapers, plus the hot English accent haha. We cant wait to go back with mom and dad. Every day I spend here, I love it more and more...its going to be really hard when it comes time to leave...good thing all my friends and family are home in the states! Love you all!!
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