Angie's Trip to England
Continuing on...Sunday afternoon Amy, James, Steve, and I watched France beat England in Rugby, boo! I was still feeling awful and could tell my fever is back so after the match I took a nap. When I woke up we met a couple of the guys for dinner at the Indian buffet for the last time. Then I went back to my room, talked to Lindsey on the phone a bit, played online some, and went to bed. It turned out to be an awful night of sleep though. My throat was killing me and my fever was really high again. The good thing is that it broke during the night so when I woke up Monday morning I didn't have a fever anymore!
Monday - I woke up and made a doctors appointment. He told me I had tonsillitis and prescribed me penicillin. I got my prescription filled and was absolutely shocked by how cheap it was! With insurance in the states I would have paid must be nice to have a good health care plan. When I got back to the hall it was just about time for lunch so I just layed around until Amy and I went down to eat. After lunch we went on campus to buy our tickets to the union for Wednesday...rumor has it they were going to sell out. Then we both took naps, at dinner, and went back to our rooms. Later, Dan texted me and asked if I wanted to watch a film with him. I said ok and went down to his room...he claimed I needed some TLC to make me feel better, how cute is he! We ended up watching three episodes of the TV show 24 (he has them on DVD) instead of a film. I am officially addicted thanks to him! After they were over we just talked for a while until I went to bed.
Tuesday - Amy and I went into town in the late morning to get some things from boots (the best drug store in the whole world!) and take pictures of random places we had been in town. We also ate at Nandos for one last sad. Back at the hall I took and nap, showered, and ate dinner. We then got ready and went to Vodka Revolutions with Kelly and Renee. They boys met us there as well. Amy, James, Chris, and Steve ended up leaving fairly early but Dan, Ed, and I stayed a while. We all danced which was fun and then when we left we got Istanbul grille as usual. After eating we walked back to the hall which was interesting because Dan and Ed were both quite pissed (drunk) haha. Dan and I stayed up talking again and then I went to bed. It was a good night!
Wednesday - I woke up and Dan was feeling a bit hung over so I went down to his room and we watched a couple episodes of 24 and just talked until it was lunch time. After lunch I attempted to pack and get organized but it didn't work too well. So I just showered and got ready for the night. Amy and I ate dinner and then met up with the boys to go to the union. It was overall a good night minus the fact that the boys almost got into a fight haha. I left with Dan and Ed...Dan and I stayed up talking as usual and then I went to bed.
Thursday - When I woke up, Dan and I met up to go for a walk which was really nice. Then I showered and went with Amy to London where we went shopping on Oxford street and in Harrods. Harrods is absolutely amazing by the way and could possibly be the coolest store I have ever been in. It also has Krispey Kreme doughnuts! Wow. They are Dan's favorite so Amy and I bought a box for him and the rest of the guys. Most of the boys had never had them before so we made them try one and they loved them! I packed some tonight too but didn't get nearly as much done as I expected thanks to a stupid fire alarm. That is one thing I do not miss about the dorms. Later that night I went down to Dan's and we watched some more 24.
Friday (St. Patricks Day and last night with the boys) - I woke up, spent some time with Dan, and packed for Italy and home. Elise and Yvette flew in today and arrived around 11:30 (they are going to Italy with us). Hugh left today so I had to say goodbye to him which was pretty sad (I cried) and started my sad mood for the rest of the day. The three girls and I met up with the boys and went on campus to Mojos. They boys all got dinner which consisted of sausage, beans, and chips...yuck! Afterwards we went down to the Swan to hang out. Steve left while we were in the Swan and triggered another crying episode on my part. Pretty much for the rest of the night I was crying off and on. Dan attempted to make me feel better and him and I went to spend time together since it's our last night...we both said bye to the rest of the guys too which sucked. See at Reading, during break everyone has to move out of their room and take all their stuff with them. Its kind of a hassle I would imagine. After a lot of talking with Dan, I went to bed.
Saturday - I woke up, packed, and met Dan to say goodbye. It was extremely sad and I hated every second of it. But at the moment it wasn't something I could dwell on since I was leaving for Italy in a couple hours. Later in the day though Dan and I decided to get together for one last time on Thursday when I get back from Italy.
I never imagined how hard leaving would actually be. I had so many mixed feelings it was crazy. One second I was so excited to come home and see my family and friends that I was happy and the next second I was completely depressed. I have really come to like England, the people here, and especially Dan. It's like I built a second life and have to leave it...its not an easy thing to do. Regardless, I love you all at home so much!! Thanks for everything.
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