Angie's Trip to England
Today wasnt the greatest stomach hurt so bad on the plane I only got a total of about 2 hours of sleep which equals 4 hours of sleep since thursday night! Carrying 4 pieces of luggage through an airport, on an escalator, into a train, off the train, and up 4 flights of steps is NOT fun!! When I first saw my room, I pretty much freaked out. Its really small and weird but now that I am unpacked, it seems to be ok...just no decorations =( Amy and I are on the 4th floor (go figure) with no elevators. In our hall is 10 other girls and all 12 of us get to share one shower...that should be interesting! The boys hall is ajoining to ours...and so far, I havent seem that many bad teeth! Haha. It will be an adjustment but once settled and we start meeting people, things should be good...hopefully! I miss everyone at home!!
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