Angie's Trip to England
Saturday was good day. We had our first experience eating from a place in town and it was pretty good!! Amy and Renee got Pizza but I got a chicken kabob that they make into a pita sandwich. Finally...normal food! After dinner we showered and went to the bars on campus but we had an awful time! I mean the company was good but it was so crowded you could hardly move and people were spilling their drinks so finally Amy and I decided just to we went home and went to bed...or attempted to Anyways. I could fall asleep until 4 or so.
Sunday was BORING! Kelly, a girl from Cali, says she actually dreads Sundays because there is nothing to do. Nothing is open except convenience stores and I guess it is the day everyone does nothing or has to study. So I slept in, showered, went to lunch, played on the internet, and read a little bit. Amy and I then walked down to the food places to get dinner which consisted of Chinese food that was just ok and we also bought a few groceries for back up meals incase we cant stomach the dining hall food. After that we did nothing some more so I attempted to go to bed early but once again couldn't sleep until around 4...but this time neither could Amy.
Monday we had our first psych class. Its in a big lecture hall and they passed out the notes that the teach followed exactly so we played MASH instead lol. After class we got our classes finalized and my schedule is as follows: Monday 10-11, Wed 9-1, Thurs 9-1, and Fri 2-4. That night Amy and I were supposed to meet a few cute British men for drinks but they had to cancel because one of them had to make an emergency trip to London to meet a client (gotta love working men). So the Erasmus Society (a club for international students) was having a social at Bar Med...a really nice bar on the River. We went there with some girls in our hall. It was fun! Sorry this time we didn't notice any weird sexual products being sold in the bathroom haha.
Today was fun! Amy and I went into town to go shopping...but I definitely spent too much money...oh well. We also ate at a place called Nando's (recommended by Bethany, thank you thank you thank you) and had the best meal we've eaten since coming to England. It was delicious. We ate an entire chicken! Plus a side and salad. Yum =) After 7 hours of shopping, we were tired so we came back to the hall for dinner and then went to work out. That was hilarious...their aerobics class is harder than ours back home but it was a good work out!
I've noticed the last couple days I find myself using English words instead of American which I think is fascinating. Amy has been doing the same thing. I guess we're getting used to things around here...which is a good thing! We booked our flight to Rome which is VERY exciting. We leave the 18th of March and get back to England on the 23rd then leave for home the next day. We almost booked our Paris arrangements too but we haven't picked the best weekend yet. I also thing we will be going to Germany to visit one of Amy's friends so that should be fun! And this Friday we go to Edinburgh, Scotland...can't wait!
Sorry this entry wasn't as exciting as normal...not too much to tell! But this week is filled with plans already so the next one will be good, promise!! Love and miss you all...don't forget to look at my pics!!
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